Please complete the following so that we can lookup your details:
Before we can provide you with an online quote, we need to ask a few questions about your operations and your insurance history:
No, unfortunately if you own the building you work out of, you will not be eligible to obtain insurance online. We can assist you with obtaining a quote through our office offline. Please contact our office and someone will contact you to arrange a quote.
This does not apply if you are working from a home office and the home is personally owned by you. Note that this coverage does not replace the need for homeowners insurance, and this coverage does not apply to your personal liability exposure, only the liability exposure related to your home office.
Manufacturing options involve the production of products using labour and machines, tools, chemical and biological processing or formulation.
This is a claim that has resulted from your company’s operations. This would include claims that resulted in an claim payout and those that were uninsured or denied.